Help build your data, digital and e-business strategy
Green Birch aim to bring clarity through collaborative, high value consultancy: to find the relevant information amongst the increasing complex financial and regulatory landscape, to help build your data, digital and e-business strategy for both the OTC and exchange traded space and find the right services and technology to support it.
GreenBirch can help you select the right technology platform
We can help develop your business plan by building a complete picture of the resources and costs of delivering and supporting a platform from both a technology and organisational perspective.
Data Modernisation
The world of financial data is changing
Progress in the technologies offered by the public cloud providers and cloud native software vendors are now so significant that the promised improvements to the way data can be distributed, ingested and stored are now becoming a reality. These platforms not only present an opportunity to reduce data infrastructure costs but also offers brand new ways to analyse data – either enhancing the capabilities we are all familiar with or introducing new Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence capabilities.
Data Modernisation
But how do you harness these new capabilities?
As well as helping you explore these new platforms, GreenBirch has a structured approach which looks into the key business, commercial and technical factors that will help you decide whether these new technologies can work for your firm, whether it is new ways of ingesting/storing 3rd party data sets or commercialising your own data.
Digital Strategy
Building a solid business case
Business models are changing radically as the business environment moves into the digital era and regulation continues to weigh in on traditional practices. Understanding how to address the new environment must be based on an appreciation of your client needs and considered business planning. Only then can you decide how to best align your business resources and technology to respond. GreenBirch can help you build your Digital approach using client surveys, competitive analysis and market sizing to help you build an evidence driven view of your target market.